Field trip for ASB 2023. Good crowd from a wide background in chilly weather.
Western side of Pilot mountain, a monadnock. This quartzite is over 550 million years old and is the ancient sand deposits from the time of Gondwana and Laurasia. Rock tripe (Umbilicaria sp.) is growing up the cliff face, seen as black texture on the rock.
A closeup of this metamorphose sandstone.
Asplenium montanum growing in a nook of an ancient beach.
Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora doing the same.
Sassafras albidum flowers, just as they open up. A nice brilliant yellow and cut stems are already aromatic.
In spite of the rock.
An unknown bryophyte just chilling on the rock.
The alien flower of Hexastylis heterophylla.
More Hexastylis flowers hiding near the ground.
A view down the mountain showing fire scars from the high-intensity 2021 wildfire.
Another unknown moss with sporophytes present.
Andreaea sp., a granite moss that captured our attention for at least 10 minutes.
The lovely bark of a small grove of Pinus virginiana.
A few yellow Viola hastata in the litter.
Obolaria virginica looking spiffy in full bloom.
Stellaria puberia with its small yet brilliant flower.
Thalictrum thalictroides, the thalictrum that looks like thalictrum.
Sanguinaria canadensis, just past flower and already into fruit.
Pussytoes, Antennaria, small in the shade of an oak tree.
Rounding off this photoset with Acer saccharum in bloom with its nice yellow flowers on display.