Mac's Flora Page

For all of the cool plants I've seen


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Hello! My name is Maccoy Kerrigan, and I am a botanist. This page is a hobby/passion project that aims to document the various plants and natural wonders of some of the places I have been. I figured it would be better to organize these photos as a webpage with the potential to share rather than letting them sit en masse in folders on my computer.

Given that fact, this page is still very much a work in progress and I have a few years backlog of photos to pare down and share. I intend to add more pages to allow for faster navigation in the future but for now this site remains pretty barebones.

Though I consider myself a botanist, a taxonomist, and an ecologist, there are more plants I don't know than there are plants that I do. If you see that I have misidentified anything feel free to reach out and I'll be happy to look again and fix it – pobody's nerfect.

I don't intend to ever monetize my photos but if you'd like to use them for any purpose, feel free to reach out and I'd be happy to share provided you give credit (there are also likely more I could share that are not uploaded here).

If you like cooking, consider visiting my other website: Food Meister Mac (also a work in progress).

Botanical Resources

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